RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Coastal / Offshore Theory
August 13, 2020
RYA Day Skipper Theory & Practical
August 13, 2020RYA VHF / SRC
This well-rounded course provides information concerning radio communications and operations.
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The SRC / VHF course is a one day shore based course followed by an assessment which takes between 30min and 1 hour. Participating on our VHF course ( including GMDSS ) requires some pre-course studying from your side. Once you book your place on the course we will send you the VHF RADIO ( including GMDSS ) Course Handbook G31 to read. This pre course reading ( approx 3 hours ) is vital as there is no time during the day to teach the essential theory to enable you to understand the practical aspects of the course. The classroom SRC/VHF radio course and assessment starts at 09.00 and will end at approximatelly at 18.00. At the end of the course you will receive a RYA SRC Certificate of classroom course completion which allows you to participate on the exams. The assessment will take about 1 hour during which you will be tested on your home study and course content.
This course is ideal for skippers and crews of sailing yachts who want to hold an SRC radio operator’s licence, in order to operate a short range marine VHF radio with DSC ( Digital Selective Calling ). The SRC Radio operator’s licence is a legal requirement for marine VHF users throughout the world and also one of the requirements for participating on a RYA/ MCA Yachtmaster practical exams.
This course will be held at our Lygia classroom in Lefkada. Our classroom is fully equipped with all the necessary materials and equipment in order to familiarise your self with the operation of VHFs and emergency communication equipment.
We have maximum of 6 students on this course ensuring that each student gets the maximum possible attention.
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What’s Included
RYA VHF Handbook ( G31 )
Tea / coffee / snacks
SRC assessment
What’s not included
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The SRC certificate is a legal requirement in order to operate a SR marine radio worldwide
You will need to bring a passport sised photo
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The SRC certificate is a requirement for Yachtmaster practical exams
Ideal for skippers and crews

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