RYA Training in Greece with a First
October 21, 2021
Starting to sail with a Sailing Yacht of your own in the Ionian.
November 24, 2021Can I have my Yachtmaster preparation and assessment in Greece in nontidal waters?
This is what many skippers ask me. The answer is: Yes you can have your Yachtmaster Offshore preparation and assessment in Greece as long as you fulfil the prerequisites to participate in such a demanding course.
The Yachtmaster Qualifications represent the professionalism, knowledge, and reliability that a good skipper should have. The RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Certificate is the most recognized certificate worldwide in the Yachting Industry.
The holders of the MCA / RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate with commercial endorsement can skipper a commercial yacht >200 gt up to 150 miles from safe heaven day or night.
The MCA / RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate is a great achievement for those who want to start a career in yachting as well as for recreational sailors who want to expand their knowledge and improve their skippering skills. The holders of MCA / RYA Yachtmaster Offshore have the option to become instructors as well as to progress to the MCA merchant scheme.
What are the prerequisites to participate in a Yachtmaster Offshore Preparation & Assessment?
Pre Course Experience
- 2500 miles
- At least 5 passages over 60 miles measured along the Rhumb line from the port of departure to the destination, acting as skipper for at least two of these passages and including two which have involved overnight passages
- 5 days experience as skipper
- At least half this mileage and passages must be conducted in tidal waters
* All qualifying sea time must be within 10 years before the exam
Certification Required
- A GMDSS SRC or higher grade of marine radio
- A valid first-aid certificate
Assumed Knowledge
- Deep knowledge of navigation theory
- Solid boat handling experience in close-quarters
- Understanding of efficient trim and how to make a boat go faster under sail

How can I get the required qualifications and experience?
RYA First Aid courses are organized by our training centre regularly all year round. This course is held in our Lygia classroom in Lefkada. Our classroom is fully equipped with all the necessary materials and equipment in order to familiarise yourself with the procedures of using an A.E.D and providing C.P.R as well with the equipment used by First Aiders
RYA VHF Marine Radio The SRC / VHF course is an online course supported by an RYA SRC/VHF instructor, followed by an assessment that takes between 30 minutes and 1 hour. The assessment can be held at our classroom in Lygia or at any other RYA Recognised Centre (SRC/VHF Recognition)
Yachtmaster Theory Courses are organised regularly by our training centre. This is a course that can be taken also online
Tidal Miles & Experience is something that you have to spend time on. If you don’t have the required miles and the experience skippering in tidal waters, we might be able to help as our centre is organizing mile building weeks in the U.K. The mile building sailing weeks are ideal for those who want to improve their skills and gain experience in tidal waters.

The Yachtmaster Preparation week starts from our base in Lefkas and the duration of it is 5 days. The preparation week is followed by the assessment which usually lasts 16-32 hours depending on the number of candidates
For any questions or further information contact us at info@ionianmode.com and one of the experienced Yachtmaster Instructors will assist you to start your way to the Yachtmaster Certificate.