ionianMode RYA training centre
February 11, 2021
RYA Competent Crew course
March 7, 2021Learn to sail in Greece with ionianMode .Whatever we decide to learn, there are four stages that we have to go through until we feel confident enough with our skills. The first stage is called Unconscious Incompetence, the second is Conscious Incompetence, the third is Conscious Competence, and the fourth one is Unconscious Competence. We all have to go through these stages, some of us at a slow pace and some others at a faster pace. When we decide to learn something new like sailing this decision has been triggered possibly by videos, pictures, by some stories that we have heard from friends. We imagine ourselves sailing, we imagine ourselves on a yacht steering and dealing with sails and lines. We are excited about the idea but we really don’t know what we have to learn, we really don’t know what we do not know. That’s why we call this stage Unconscious Incompetence and this is where every beginner starts from.

As a beginner, you will get yourself familiar with a yacht and her equipment, you will learn how to live on a yacht sharing the space and the responsibilities with the rest of the crew members, and you will learn the basics in order to become useful and Competent Crew member. We call this beginner’s course RYA Competent Crew and this is the course that you first have to attend if you decide to learn how to sail. followed by the RYA Day Skipper course. The question now that you have to answer is Where?
Sailing in Greece and especially in the area of the Ionian is always a unique experience. If you decide to learn how to sail in this area then you will have chosen one of the best areas in the world for sailing. The weather during the season is ideal for the kind of training you will get and also ideal if you want to combine training with holidays. On our everyday routine, we stop for a swim and lunch in one of the idyllic bays of the Ionian islands, and every day we spend the night in a different destination. During your training week, you will visit the most beautiful places in the area and you will have the chance to explore the local cuisine and culture. The weather conditions and the different nature of the destinations we find in the Ionian are what we need for a successful training week If you choose to take a sailing course in the Ionian you will learn how to sail around the most beautiful islands of Greece and you will go back home with an unforgettable experience in your luggage.
Our school is an RYA recognized training centre so you will be trained on an RYA coded tuition yacht by RYA instructors who follow the high standards of the association no matter where the school is based So the answer to the question: where should I learn to sail? Could be: Learn to sail in the Ionian, combine high standard training with holidays in one of the most beautiful areas of the world and get the benefits of RYA training by a qualified RYA instructor.
RYA Yachtmaster Instructor