Glad to announce RYA First Aid Course in Greece!
March 15, 2021
Sail in the Ionian
April 18, 2021We are glad to announce that our RYA Training Centre is now recognised to support online RYA Courses .
The online courses we offer at the moment are RYA Essential Navigation & Seamanship, RYA SRC Marine Radio, and RYA Professional Practices & Responsibilities. Our plan for the near future is to offer a wide range of RYA Online Courses including RYA Day Skipper theory & RYA Coastal Yachtmaster theory.
RYA Essential Navigation & Seamanship
The RYA Essential Navigation and Seamanship theory course is a fully online course supported by Yachtmaster instructors. This course is an introduction to basic Navigation and Seamanship and equips everyone who wants to go afloat with the basic required knowledge. It is also the stepping stone to the RYA Day Skipper theory where the subjects are taught and covered in depth. Read more……….
RYA VHF/ SRC Marine Radio
This course is ideal for skippers and crews of sailing yachts who want to hold an SRC radio operator’s licence, in order to operate a short-range marine VHF radio with DSC (Digital Selective Calling). The SRC Radio operator’s licence is a legal requirement for marine VHF users throughout the world and also one of the requirements for participating in RYA / MCA Yachtmaster practical exams. The SRC / VHF course is an online course supported by an RYA SRC/VHF instructor, followed by an assessment that takes between 30min and 1 hour. The assessment can be held at our classroom in Lygia or at any other RYA Recognised Centre. Read more………….
RYA Professional Practices & Responsibolities ( PPR )
PPR – Professional Practices and Responsibilities is a compulsory online course for new holders of RYA Commercial Endorsement. All new applicants for a commercially endorsed RYA Certificate of Competence must first pass the PPR course. The aim of the course is to introduce seafarers to the commercial world and relevant legislation. Read more………

Please contact us for further information at online@ionianmode.com